Martin Frederik Garbers


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As a gift for the New Year for my clients I have recreated a. 30min self reflexion video that will guide you through several stages. You will find several powerful coaching tools applied.

We do a (1) Reflection of laster year on three axis of leadership Energy, Impact and Growth, (2) play with your vision three years out, including your path of mastery (risk and opportunities) and your zone-of-genius and (3) conclude with your Creation of the path, (Resources, Creations, Identity Themes and Key Dominos) All you need is paper, pen and quiet time. Please allow yourself to stop the video and take the time you need. 1 hour is the length of the in person exercise. Enjoy! At the end of the exercise, you will have valuable insights of what to focus on and what are the key actions for an extraordinary year!

Inspired by Rich Litvin, Jeffrey Allan, Steve Hardison, Gay Hendricks and Stefan Merath, Chris Joseph and others


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„Bring forth what wants to come forth“ 11min self-reflection, why I do what I do!


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short video on Barts Camino Coaching Starnberg experience 2 min


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10min Auszug aus einem Interview.

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45 min Langversion eines Interviews.

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5Min Video „Grundrechenarten des Coachings für exponentielles Wachstums“
Mit dieser Methode erzielen meine Klienten regelmäßig Impulse ihre Wirksamkeit wesentlich zu erhöhen, indem sie bis zu 50h und mehr pro Monat niedrig-energetische Zeit durch hoch-energetische Aktivitäten zu ersetzen.

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6min Video in English for „Coaching Math for Exponential Growth“
A simple and powerful method to uplevel your energy and effectiveness. My clients easily detect 50h+ every month and achieve awesome results.

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Visions-Visualisierung Workshop für meine Klienten. Aufgezeichnet zum Jahresbeginn 2021.

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Coaching Session mit Rich Litvin PK4 (Project Kairos), May 2021. Coaching Concept Energy Audit
Martin Frederik Garbers in collaboration with other coaches

Cross Coaching Videos

The videos below are part of a series of cross coaching sessions. The idea was born during Rich Litvin Project Kairos (PK4), which all of us participated, with the aim to enrich our coaching business, be more creative and learn.

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45 min Cross Coaching sessions Martin Garbers coaching Reema Gainley on on creating future self.

You can observe how Martin is coaching Reema. Extracting elements of zone-of-genius and the four archetypes (lover, warrior, king, magician) to create an even more powerful version of herself. The best kept secret, her deep soul connection comes forward and Reema is integrating it in her business.

More about Reema Gainley:


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43 min Cross Coaching sessions Reema coaching Martin on creating powerful growth agreements.

You can observe how Reema is coaching Martin. Having him reflect on his impact on his clients. This leads him into the realization to create  stronger growth agreements with his clients. He is sharing a client story.
In the week following the cross coaching Martin created several substantial five figure agreements. The power of two coaches challenging each other.

More about Reema Gainley:


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38min Cross Coaching sessions Martin Garbers coaching Jeff Grant on Playfulness and Zone-of-Genius.

You can observe how Martin is coaching Jeff. Using the magic of the four classical archetypes (lover, warrior, king, magician) to create playful and fun energy for Jeff to play even more powerful from his Zone-of-Genius. Enjoy!

More about Jeff Grant: or  


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Observe how Jeff is playing with harmony and music to draw Martin into a deep coaching space. Being fully grounded, connected to the music and inviting him to expand his experience around how to play with music in coaching session. Very creative and it shows Jeff talent to combine the unique powers.

More about Jeff Grant: or  


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45min Cross Coaching Session Martin coaching Vikram.

Cross Coaching sessions Martin Garbers coaching Vikram Raya. You can observe how Martin is coaching Vikram. Starting with a meditation. Using the magic of the four classical archetypes (lover, warrior, king, magician) to create playful and fun energy for Vikram to play even more powerful from his Zone of Genius. Enjoy!

More about Vikram Raya: or  


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47min Cross Coaching Session from Vikram Raya and Martin Garbers.

Vikram is drawing out Martin’s story prior to becoming a coach. The challenges in his previous corporate career, the pain of exhaustion of a burn-out and the transformative experience of walking the camino di Santiago.

More about Vikram Raya: or  


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1:16h Cross Coaching Session from Eric Ho and Martin Garbers.

You can observe how Martin is coaching Eric.

The video is part of a series of cross coaching sessions, that was born during Rich Litvin Project Kairos PK4, which both of us enjoyed and learned to be creative.

More about Eric: or


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1h Cross Coaching Session from Eric Ho and Martin Garbers.

You can observe how Eric is coaching Martin. Starting on what inspires him, drawing out the power of commitment and exploring what means flappy ends, as well as using the magic of archetypes to create power solutions moving forward. Enjoy!
The video is part of a series of cross coaching sessions, that was born during Rich Litvin Project Kairos PK4, which both of us enjoyed and learned to be creative.

More about Eric: or

Martin Frederik Garbers


Podcast bei denen ich mitgewirkt habe.
Martin Frederik Garbers
Camino Coaching
Ismaninger Str. 68, 81675 München
Tel mobil: +49 172 1328207
Email coach(at)
Entdecken Sie als Unternehmer und Mensch Ihren inneren Kompass und schöpfen Sie Ihr Potenzial freudvoll aus. Coaching mit Martin Frederik Garbers begleitet Sie auf dem Weg zu unternehmerischem Wachstum und authentisch gelebter Lebensfreude.