Lessons Learned
Experience requires experiments. My top 12 experiments and their lessons learned.

January 2023, I facilitated a reflection and creation workshop for my clients, a process that fosters Power by Reflection and Power by Purpose (a concept by Janet Hagberg Six levels of power) . I applied the insights to create a year of various experiments for myself.
Utilizing the ENERGY AUDIT or COACHING MATH, tools I use with my clients, I evaluated where to focus my time and energy – what to start (+), do more of (*), and what to stop (-) or do less of (:).
My overarching focus for the year was on EXPANSION: of MYSELF, my CLIENTS, my NETWORK, and EXPERIMENTING with new ideas. My design principle for an Ideal Average Year comprises of four basic segments:
1/4th of the year for Recreation, Vacation, time-off – approximately 12 weeks.
1/4th for Personal Growth – expanding myself and my skill set, energizing myself.
1/4th for expanding my clients through deep coaching sessions and creative play.
1/4th for expanding my network and building my business, connecting.
My financial budget is roughly split in 3 parts, 1/3 for personal lifestyle, 1/3 for taxes and operations and 1/3 for expenses/investments in EXPANSION and EXPERIMENTS.
Here’s how it manifested in detail:
Expansion of Self:
Expansion of my skill set as a coach:
Expansion of my network of peers and (potential) clients
Experiment with new ideas:

Over the first five years building my business I had meticulously tracked my time in different categories. I had created a color coding in my calendar. Investing a good 2 hours every week, tracking and reviewing my numbers, searching for trends and correlations. A typical controller’s view on life. Looking at my DASHBOARD created a sense of SAFETY and CONTROL:
In case you are interested, here my color coding for my calendar for my Ideal Average Week. It has 10 slots of 3 hours KAIROS time each (morning and afternoon)

How did the other experiments turn out?
1) Investing in 1-1 COACHING.
Walking my Talk: A coach without a coach is not a coach. My personal growth over the recent years is mainly due to investing substantially into deep 1-1 coaching. This year Chris Joseph, Petra Gregory and Helga Drescher held the sacred space for my personal expansion and letting go of old beliefs that were holding me back. On some level I think the radical move of “retiring my controller” was a way to let go of my corporate controller identity I had built for 18 years in corporate. Sometimes it requires pain, to learn a lesson and come back playfully. Being in the space with experienced coaches and being in their energy helps me to shift my mindset and adds tremendous value for my clients through supervision.
2) HYPNOTHERAPIE course with Paul McKenna & Mindvalley
Would I do it again? Yes, I would definitely do it again, and I recommended the course to several of my clients and people in my network. I know of probably eight people that enrolled in the last cohort. It also got me to participate in the SUPERCOACH Academy in Tallinn and be called on stage by Paul McKenna. It was a fun experience, where I met a lot of fun and interesting people on the back of having been on stage. If you are interested in the 5 minute episode of me being on stage and swimming in a sea of money, here is a you-tube link.
3) CBC – Certified Business Coach with Ajit Nawalka
Category: Highest write off of the year.

4) GAMECHANGER London with Devon Bandison
The Gamechanger was a recommendation by my coach Chris. Great return for a relatively small investment. I was especially curious as Devon is in his third year of coaching with the Ultimate Coach Steve Hardison, whom I had met in London in 2022. Devon has a fun way of transmitting his message and calling out the commitment of his participants, using language of game and play. Three days of intense work, transformation and fun. Would I do it again? Definitely YES, I will do it again, this time as a host. Devon will be in Munich on 21-23. June 2024 and we will co-create a GAMECHANGER Munich with a Midsummer group camino-coaching. If you want to participate, here is the link or send me a DM if you want to know more about it or get a Value Add promotion code. I wrote a post of my 55 insights from the event earlier this year.
I had rented a three bedroom Airbnb and a client and a coach colleague shared it with me. As a tribal event, we co-created together with four of my clients, two Camino-Coaching experiences in Tallinn old part of town. This event expanded my peer network and connected me to several interesting people, of which a few became clients. I met a few very skilled experts in their field: Galina Sorensen for Higher Consciousness activation, Karin Palm for deep trance hypnosis and Brent Brunings an expert in palm reading, which I added to my pool of experts, all of them I met in Tallinn.
6) GREATOR Event, July 2023
7) NeverDoneBefore Testival and Festival
Category: Highest level of energy and fun in 24h

Category: High Fun and great energy
With my apprentice and group coach clients I observe that while they have great coaching skills and often good credentials (ICF certifications e.a.) their hardest challenge is creating a sustainable business. I learned from Rich Litvin the 90 Day money game and modified it for my clients. We played two seasons of the 13 Proposal Game with amazing results. In both seasons there were about a dozen active players and a few observers. In the first season about 650k of proposals were spoken out and 40% converted into agreement and in the 2nd season more than 900k of proposals were created and about 25% converted into agreements. The 1% rule resulted in approx. 15k of donations to charity and Note to self: high time investment, with limited financial return. “Is this the best use of my time?” Short term, probably NO. Long Term: probably YES. Continue experiment in 2024.
Category: Great for community and learning the art of proposal.
10) VISIBILITY on LINKED IN posts and podcasts

Martin Frederik Garbers
Ismaninger Str. 68, 81675 München
Tel mobil: +49 172 1328207
Email coach(at)